If you have finished your Master’s degree, now it will be easier to stay in order to look for a job or start a business project.
So far one of the most common options used by students to obtain residency in Spain was enrolling in master’s programs for an extension of stay for study. After 3 years of living in the country, you could qualify for a residence and work permit, but before that time you could only work with internship agreements and a maximum of 20 weekly hours.

With recent legislative changes, the situation has improved markedly and after completion of studies you may be eligible for a residence permit for a year. This period of time will allow you to look for a job full time or start your own business. It will also be possible to do internships after your graduation, without being enrolled in any school.
On September 4th, 2018 Decree-Law transposing directives was published in the Official Gazette in various fields, including those affecting the entry and residence of nationals of countries outside the European Union and support for entrepreneurs.
Student residence permit for job search or to undertake a business project.
After completing studies, above grade level, in an institution of higher education, non-EU foreigners may opt for a residence for job search or to undertake a business project. This residence will last twelve month non-extendable.
To apply for this authorization must meet the following requirements:
- Provide academic certification of having completed their higher education.
- Private insurance with coverage similar to the Spanish Health Care.
- Have the financial means for maintenance staff.
To find suitable employment at the level of completed studies or having undertaken a business project, it must request authorization.
Residence permit for practices
Foreigners who have obtained a higher education degree in two years preceding the date of application or pursuing studies leading to obtaining a diploma of higher education in Spain or abroad, They may participate in an internship program by signing a training agreement or contract of employment.
This authorization shall be granted within a period not exceeding 30 days and within 6 months renewable only once. If the applicant is in the country of origin,
You will have to arrange the appropriate visa.
The applicant must prove the following requirements to apply for residence permit for practices:
- It has been admitted to the experiments based on signing a training agreement with a host entity that includes a theoretical and practical training. The internship agreement will contain, at least:
- A description of the internship program, including educational objective or practical components.
- The duration of the internship.
- Conditions and practices of supervision.
- Internship hours.
- The legal relationship between the trainee and the host organization.
- The alien has obtained a diploma of higher education in the two years preceding the date of application or who is conducting studies leading to obtaining a higher education degree.
- Practices are carried out in the same academic field and at the same skill level the higher education diploma or degree program referred.
- Abroad during their residence have health insurance and sufficient resources.
- The foreigner has no criminal record in their previous country of residence during the last five years for offenses under Spanish law and does not appear as reprehensible in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement to that effect.
- Abroad it is regularly found in Spanish territory.
It is to be defined as apply in practice the processing of residence, but if you want us to keep you informed contact us at info@barecetip.com